
  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Height: 5.5 inches at the shoulder
  • Weight: 2 pounds
  • Coat Color: Cream
  • Temperament: Gentle, Loving
  • Health Status: Up-to-date on vaccinations, Vet-checked, Microchipped
  • Favorite Activity: Quiet cuddling and following her humans around
  • Ideal Home: A calm and patient household where she can receive plenty of affection

Daisy is a calm and loving puppy, with a demeanor that’s as gentle as her name. Her cream-colored fur is soft and fluffy, and she has the most endearing little paws. Daisy has a mellow personality and prefers the quiet, comforting presence of her family over the hustle and bustle of too much activity. She loves being held and stroked, often nuzzling into your arms with a contented sigh. Daisy is the type of puppy who will quietly follow you around the house, always wanting to be near you. She’s perfect for someone who values a deep, emotional connection with their pet and is looking for a companion to share quiet, cozy moments with. Daisy is also very patient and easygoing, making her a great match for a calm household. She’s ready to bring her special brand of warmth and love to her forever home.

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