
  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Height: 6.5 inches at the shoulder
  • Weight: 2.8 pounds
  • Temperament: Playful, Cheerful
  • Health Status: Up-to-date on vaccinations, Vet-checked, Microchipped
  • Favorite Activity: Interactive play and learning new tricks
  • Ideal Home: A lively home where she can engage in lots of playtime and be part of the family activities

Luna is a playful and cheerful puppy who lights up every room she enters. Her sable-colored coat is both striking and soft, and her fluffy tail wags with joy whenever she sees you. Luna has a bright and curious nature, always eager to explore and learn. She loves interactive play, whether it’s chasing a ball, playing with puzzle toys, or simply running around the yard. Luna’s playful spirit is matched by her affectionate side—she loves to be close to her humans and will eagerly snuggle up for a cuddle after a day of fun. She’s very intelligent and responds well to training, making her a wonderful companion for someone who enjoys spending time teaching and playing with their pet. Luna is looking for a home where she can be the center of attention and share her joy and love with her new family. She’s ready to bring laughter and happiness to her forever home.

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