
  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Height: 7 inches at the shoulder
  • Weight: 3 pounds
  • Temperament: Energetic, Curious
  • Health Status: Up-to-date on vaccinations, Vet-checked, Microchipped
  • Favorite Activity: Exploring and playing with interactive toys
  • Ideal Home: An active family who enjoys outdoor activities and can provide plenty of playtime

Max is a bundle of energy and curiosity, always ready for the next adventure. His sleek, chocolate-colored coat gleams in the sunlight, and his perky ears are always alert, ready to catch every sound. Max is a playful and spirited pup who loves to explore his surroundings. Whether it’s chasing a ball, tugging on a rope toy, or investigating new corners of the yard, Max approaches life with enthusiasm and joy. Despite his energetic nature, Max is also very smart and loves learning new tricks, making him a great candidate for training. He’s looking for an active family who can match his pace and provide him with plenty of stimulation and exercise. Max is the perfect choice for someone who wants a fun-loving, lively companion who will keep them on their toes and bring endless joy into their life.

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